To the Editor:

This week, in the final days of legislative session the General Assembly passed the budget for Fiscal Year 2012. Throughout this process, many tough decisions had to be made. There were cuts to nearly every agency in the state. I completely understand that we are in tough fiscal times and balancing our budget. My question is at what point do we stop cutting our most used and necessary programs that help our most vulnerable citizens.

I voted against draconian cuts made to education and human services. Education fuels innovation and creativity for the future. Without proper education, the future of not only our state but our nation is dismal at best. However, for the last several years, we have continually underfunded education. We preach over and over again that we need to create positive solutions to ensure that we educate students to assure progress for our state.

Not only did education take a hit, but human services also experienced drastic changes too. The programs supported by human services supply seniors with medicine so they can maintain a livable standard and ensure that those living below that poverty level. When we make cuts to human services, we are saying we don’t mind if teens are on the streets rather then in a controlled environment gaining skills to have a prosperous future.

During session, groups have come down to voice their opinions about what programs they need for the survival of their communities. Tough choices are made everyday, but when will we start to take into consideration the affects that our decisions make on our future, and our most vulnerable citizens. I understand that we need to be fiscally responsible, but I don’t want to place the burden on the backs of those who or jeopardize our future


Emil Jones III